
Les xerrades són un espai de trobada i reflexió que dividim en dos temps:

La primera estona la dediquem a xerrar des d’una base teòrica sobre el tema escollit donant-vos també eines i recursos.

Durant la segona estona obrim un espai de diàleg per poder concretar sobre exemples concrets que les persones que hi assistiu us trobeu en el vostre dia a dia. 

Les xerrades tenen una durada d’hora i mitja.

Soft but distinct lines create an elegant profile. Perfect when you want your own space in an open environment, yet still socialize with others. The cover in dark gray adds elegance and style. Shop now
Soft but distinct lines create an elegant profile. Perfect when you want your own space in an open environment, yet still socialize with others. The cover in dark gray adds elegance and style. Shop now
Soft but distinct lines create an elegant profile. Perfect when you want your own space in an open environment, yet still socialize with others. The cover in dark gray adds elegance and style. Shop now

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Whether you’re drawn to floor-sweeping hems, romantic ruffles or vintage-inspired minis
